
    CB West
    Welcome to Mrs. Dangler's resource page. This page is designed to provide additional resources and support for students. If you can not find what you are looking for please contact me directly.  

    Reaching Success:

    • Make sure to consistently record assignments, due dates, and other important information.
    • Create a plan for breaking up long-term assignments and essays, and stick to your due dates.
    • Keep you binder and your notes organized, and take the time to reorganize when necessary.
    • Seek out additional information that connects with the concepts and topics studied in class.
    • Create study tools and study frequently to prevent the need for cramming.
    • Ask for help as soon as you feel lost. 
  • For consistency, all learning resources can be accessed in the appropriate Canvas Course

    Class link contains all of the applications that you would need. To set up and access class link, click here. 



  • Contact Information:
    Catherine Dangler
    West High School
    (267) 893-2620
    *The best way to contact me is by email.