• Welcome back for the 2023-2024 school year! I hope everyone had a great summer and is excited for the upcoming year.

    My name is Ms. Kathryn Feliciani, and I am the Director of Bands at Barclay, Groveland, and Kutz Elementary Schools. If you need to reach me, email is best (kmorehouse@cbsd.org) - however, here are the days I am available in the building:
     Day  Building
     1  Barclay
     2 Kutz
     3 Groveland

    Kutz AM/Groveland PM

     5 Barclay AM/ Kutz PM
    I look forward to creating and performing music with you!


    Ms. Feliciani
  • Kathryn Feliciani (Morehouse)

    Director of Bands

    Barclay, Groveland, and Kutz Elementary Schools
